Friday, February 19, 2010

IBS & "The Pill"

I'm realizing that while I was on Birth Control all those years (from age 15-25) I had stomach issues. Not your normal oh, my stomach hurts issue -- IBS rather. I noticed that when I because very happy, or very sad, very angry...anything that was an exacerbated version of an emotion - my stomach would freak out. It would come out both ends and sometimes at the same friggin' time!!!

Needless to say it was a nightmare in High School.

I knew when my period was coming because I'd be running back and forth to and from the bathroom...I suppose that was the "best" thing about being on birth control. Thinking back at it now I could have skipped the entire BC bullshit to begin with!!! I couldn't have gotten pregnant anyhow!!!!....ugh shit...sad.

In High School though, I'd manage my stomach upsets by smoking a LOT of pot. I'd smoke pot nearly every day a couple times a day. Not only for my stomach because that would help calm it down...but for my sanity. I was the girl that was in every group. I had friends with the pot heads, music kids, jocks, cheer leaders, geeks...yadda yadda yadda. You name it - I was friends with them because I've always been pretty outgoing. I felt most at home with the people that partied a lot though. So...I stuck with it until I met my Husband.

But, that's a whole different story :)

I'm mainly posting today to say that I realize now how much birth control pills effected my life for the past 10 years. I missed out on a lot of things because of my stomach issues. It was really horrible man...really horrible.

For instance:
  • For 4 months straight all I could eat was white rice.
  • I had to undergo a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy at the same time.
  • Went to a nutritionist that put me on a raw food diet.
  • Couldn't process raw foods: i.e. Lettuce, uncooked veggies/fruits.
  • Had to carry a pad and baby wipes with me at all times for "issues".
  • Carried a bag of stomach meds at all times: i.e. Pepto, Mylanta, Immodium (my Best Friend for YEARS!), Gas-X, Nexium, Prilocec, Tagamet.
  • Always needed to know where the bathrooms were everywhere - even went to the extent to be seated next to a bathroom "just in case".
  • Couldn't go on trips without taking an Immodium before "just in case".
All-in-all it was the friggin' pill. I got off the pill and ALL MY BATHROOM ISSUES WENT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I'm back on the pill (last pill February 28) I'm having the same problems. I will NEVER take the pill again after this.

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